1. 逾期報名或資料不全,恕不受理。
2. 參賽者必須確保報名所交資料正確無誤。
3. 一旦成功報名/重復報名,大會不設退款安排.
4. 若參賽者提供錯誤資料、未完成付款、或不符合參加資格,大會將保留取消其參賽的權利,已繳費用將不獲退還。完成報名及付款後,參賽者如需轉名需要付$100手續費。大會亦會以電郵或其他方式,向參賽者查詢或要求提供補充資料。
5. 若任何賽事報名人數超過活動名額,大會將採取先到先得的方式處理,額滿即止;大會將保留最終決定權。未能成功報名人士, 大會將於截止報名後四至六星期內以電郵通知及安排退款。
6. 大會有權在截止報名日期前後停止報名,而事先不作任何通知。
7. 完成報名及付款後,即表示參賽者遵守及接受在此及其後所有大會所定下之一切參賽條款、細則及安排。
8. 大會將根據參賽者填選的尺碼派發紀念品,不設更換。號碼布不得轉讓他人。
Registration Rules
1. Late registration or incomplete information will not be accepted.
2. Participants must ensure that the information submitted for registration is correct.
3. There are no refunds for successful registrations/re-registrations.
4. If a participant provides incorrect information, fails to complete the payment, or is not eligible to participate, the conference will reserve the right to cancel the competition, and the paid fee will not be refunded. If Participants needs to change their name, they need to pay a $100 handling fee. The conference will also call Mail or other methods to inquire or request supplementary information from the contestants.
5. If the number of registrations for any event exceeds the quota, the conference will be processed on a first-come, first-served basis while the quota is full; the conference reserves the right to make the final decision. Those who failed to sign up: The conference will notify and arrange refunds via email within four to six weeks after the registration deadline.
6. The conference reserves the right to stop registration before or after the registration deadline without prior notice.
7. After completing the registration and payment, the contestant abides by and accepts all the terms, rules and arrangements set by all the conferences.
8. The competition will distribute gifts according to the size selected by the contestants, and there will be no replacement. The number bib cannot be transferred to others.
1. 參賽者必須以自己能力完成賽事。
2. 參賽者應跟著賽事路標前進,嚴禁走捷徑。
3. 參賽者只可接受檢查站內的支援,沿途的自助售賣機除外。
4. 若參賽者退出比賽,必須通知最近檢查站的負責人員並簽署退出確認表。
5. 若參賽者在比賽期間要求協助,可致電號碼布上的電話號碼與大會聯絡。
6. 參賽編號必須全程掛外,於比賽期間清晰可見。
7. 參賽者在比賽期間應小心横過馬路,走在馬路路段時要格外留心。
8. 參賽者應顧及路徑上的其他使用者,不應在狹窄的路徑上強行超前。
9. 若遇到其他參賽者受傷或不適,應加以援手。
10. 參賽者不得亂拋垃圾 , 違者或會被取消資格。
11. 參賽者不得服食禁藥或違規藥物。
12. 每位參賽者可於起點存放一件寄存行李。任何遺留在檢查站的物品將被丟棄。
13. 大會已購置公眾責任保險,但並不包括個人意外保險。如有需要,參賽者請自行購買個人意外保險。
14. 大會保留修改比賽規則、路線及/或其他安排的權利。
Competition Rule
1. Competitors must complete the competition within their abilities.
2. Competitors should follow the competition's road signs; taking shortcuts is strictly forbidden.
3. Competitors can only accept support inside the checkpoint, excluding self-service vending machines.
4. If a competitor withdraws from the competition, he must notify the person in charge of the nearest checkpoint and sign the withdrawal confirmation form.
5. If a competitor requires assistance during the competition, they can contact the organizer by calling the number on their bib.
6. The entry number must be posted outside the whole process and can be seen during the competition.
7. Competitors should cross the road carefully during the competition and pay extra attention when walking on the road section.
8. Competitors should consider other users on the path and not force ahead on the narrow path.
9. If other competitors are injured or unwell, they should help.
10. Contestants are not allowed to litter. Violators may be disqualified.
11. Participants are not allowed to take prohibited or illegal drugs.
12. Each participant can store one piece of checked luggage at the starting point. Any items left at the checkpoint will be discarded.
13. The General Assembly has taken out public liability insurance but does not include personal accident insurance. If necessary, participants should purchase personal accident insurance by themselves.
14. The Organiser reserves the right to amend the competition rules, routes and/or other arrangements
1. 如任何比賽期間8號風球或黑雨懸掛,進行中之比賽將會取消。
2. 如在比賽前兩小時8號風球生效。比賽將會取消。
3. 如在比賽前1小時天文臺已發出紅雨/黑雨/雷暴等的警告,則比賽推遲出發,視乎天氣狀況決定是否開賽。
4. 如賽事取消,除非檢查站人員有其他指示,參賽者則需要回到終點取回行李。
5. 大會將不會為任何不可抗力包括疫症,示威活動,政府部門臨時取消許可證,或天氣所致的取消,停賽,改路,延誤等之改動作任何退款。
Race Start, Pause and Suspension Policy
1. If Typhoon No. 8 or black rain is hoisted during any race, the race in progress will be cancelled.
2. If Typhoon Signal No. 8 takes effect two hours before the race, it will be cancelled.
3. If the Observatory issues a red rain/black rain/thunderstorm warning one hour before the race, it will be postponed, and the race will be decided depending on the weather conditions.
4. If the race is cancelled, unless otherwise instructed by the checkpoint staff, the runners must return to the finish line to retrieve their luggage.
5. The conference will not provide refunds for force majeure, including epidemics, demonstrations, temporary permit cancellations by government departments, or cancellations due to weather, suspensions, diversions, delays, etc.
1. LA SPORTIVA Ultra Fish N Sheep 2024不設上訴機制
2. 所有奬項只會於指定時間頒發,大會不設補領或預領。
Results Announcement
1. LA SPORTIVA Ultra Fish N Sheep 2024 does not have an appeal mechanism.
2. All awards will only be awarded at the designated time, and there will be no replacement or pre-collection.
1. 活動屬自願參與性質,參賽者願意承擔一切風險及責任,並無權向大會追討因是次活動而引致之自身受傷、意外、死亡或任何形式的損失索償或追究責任。
2. 參賽者需自行負責個人保險。
3. 參賽者需要在賽前有足夠的訓練及休息,並留意個人的身體狀況,適時補充水份,如發現身體不適,切勿強行出賽。
4. 參賽者於賽事期間應留意路面情況,如途經馬路或車輛出入口,應先讓車輛駛過後再前進,避免發生意外。
5. 參賽者於賽事期間如果天氣惡劣情況,必須以自己安全為首要,自行暫停賽事,到安全地方暫避。
Participant's Declaration
1. The event is voluntary. Participants are willing to bear all risks and responsibilities and have no right to claim from the conference for their injuries, accidents, deaths or any other damage caused by this event. Formal loss claims or accountability.
2. Participants are responsible for their insurance.
3. Participants must have enough training and rest before the competition, pay attention to their physical condition, and replenish water promptly. If they become unwell, they should not force the competition.
4. Participants should pay attention to the road conditions during the race. If passing a road or a vehicle entrance, they should let the vehicle pass before moving forward to avoid accidents.
5. Participants must take their safety as the top priority if the weather is bad during the race, suspend the race by themselves and go to a safe place for temporary shelter.
1. 大會有權隨時修改此章程細則,恕不另行通知。
2. 如有任何爭議,大會保留最終決定權。
3. 大會保留取消觸犯、違反或不遵守任何活動規則之人士的參賽資格及成績的權利。被取消資格的參賽者之費用,將不獲退還。
4. 大會擁有此活動之最終決定權。任何有關比賽/活動的臨時改動,將於大會活動 Facebook、網站公布。
Final Decision
1. The General Assembly reserves the right to amend these articles of association without notice.
2. In case of any dispute, the conference reserves the right to a final decision.
3. The conference reserves the right to cancel the qualifications and results of those who have violated, violated or disobeyed any event rules. The fee for the disqualified contestant will not be refunded.
4. The General Assembly has the final decision on this event. Any temporary changes related to the competition/event will be announced on the event's Facebook and website.
「本人聲明將會遵守賽事的年齡限制,並遵守大會的活動守則及指引。本人聲明在健康狀況適宜情況下才參加活動,並且會自負風險。本人接受大會將對因參加本活動而引起的任何損失,損害,訴訟,索賠,成本或費用概不負責。本人在此允許大會上傳本人活動期間的影片及相片到大會 Facebook。本人明白在任何情況下報名費均不獲退還。本人在參加活動之前同意以上的活動守則及指引。」
Personal Information Collection Statement
The conference will collect the contestants' personal information using its privacy policy. Participants can obtain their privacy policy directly from the conference. Participants registering and participating in the competition activities mean that they agree to the conference to collect personal and other information provided by the participants or to enable the conference to obtain the relevant competition. Participants agree that the conference and other cooperative organizations can transfer the information to each other and agree that the organization can use the information for all purposes related to the competition, including but not limited to coordination, operation, promotion and marketing purposes. Without further consent from the participants, the conference and other cooperative organizations will not collect participant information for different purposes.
After the participant signs up, he agrees to the following disclaimer and activity rules and guidelines:
"I declare that I will abide by the age limit of the event and the event rules and guidelines. I declare that I will participate in the event when my health is appropriate and at my own risk. I accept that the event will be I shall not be responsible for any loss, damage, litigation, claims, costs or expenses. I hereby allow the conference to upload my videos and photos during the event to the conference's Facebook. I understand that the registration fee will not be refunded under any circumstances. Before participating in the event, Agree to the above activity rules and guidelines."